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Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County

The Child Advocacy Center of Oswego County is a safe, child-friendly site where members of the MultiDisciplinary Team of Oswego County gather to assist child abuse victims and their families. We are a non-profit 501(C)3. Our mission is to provide a safe, child-friendly environment that supports a timely, multi-disciplinary response to child sexual abuse, physical abuse and trauma, and promotes healing of victims and their families. Historically, children who were the victims of abuse allegations were shuffled from agency to agency where they would have to tell their story of abuse and relive painful events over and over again. We bring agencies and services together in one child-friendly setting that is non-threatening and physically and psychologically safe for children of all ages. In doing so, the intent is to minimize unnecessary interviews of children and the discomfort and embarrassment that talk about abuse can cause. The CAC also provides community outreach and efforts to aid in the prevention of child abuse throughout Oswego County.
  • 163 S First Street
    Fulton, NY 13069

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