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Center for Safety & Change, Inc.

In addition to completing and filing for OVS compensation, the Center for Safety & Change provides the following services available in multiple languages:
Information and Referrals: information about the criminal justice process, information about victim rights, referrals to other victim service programs, and referrals to other services, supports, and resources;
Advocacy and Accompaniment: victim advocacy/accompaniment to emergency medical care, victim advocacy/accompaniment forensic exams, law enforcement interview advocacy/accompaniment, individual advocacy, performance of medical forensic exam or interview, or medical evidence collection, immigration assistance, intervention with employer, creditor, landlord, or academic institution, childcare, transportation assistance, and translation/interpretation services;
Emotional Support and Safety Services: crisis intervention, hotline/crisis line counseling, on-scene crisis response, individual counseling, support groups, therapy, and emergency financial assistance;
Shelter and Housing Services: emergency shelter, transitional housing service, and relocation assistance; and
Criminal and Civil Justice System Assistance: notification of criminal justice events, civil legal assistance in obtaining protection or restraining order, civil legal assistance with family law issues, immigration attorney assistance, prosecution interview advocacy/accompaniment, criminal advocacy/accompaniment, and other legal advice and/or counsel.
  • 9 Johnsons Lane
    New City, NY 10956

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